Thursday, July 29, 2010

Giada loving her swing!

So the first few days home from the hospital, we put Giada in the swing hoping to calm her down and fall asleep. Well, that did not work at all. She did not like being put in her swing. I was so upset; I thought babies loved swings!?!

Over the past week and half I noticed she was more alert to her surroundings. Her eyes like to wonder around the room looking for light and dark objects that catch her attention. She sits and studies all the new and exciting things; she is my little explorer! I decided that I should give the swing another try, thinking she would be more ready for it this time around and I was right! She loves the swing. I think it was too much for her to absorb the first time around. Now she could be in there forever!

Again, thank you Aunt Christine, Uncle Todd, Ruth and Ellen. Your gift not only comes in handy to occupy the little princess while mommy can get a few things done around the house, but it is also aiding her with growth and development. Your swing could very well be the building blocks for a future doctor!

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